When life gets so busy, it can be very easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Being productive and deeply focused on a variety of goals and tasks keeps us moving and energetic. However, it is impossible for us to function or carry out daily routines without needed rest and relaxation. It is impossible for us to do almost anything if our minds aren’t healthy and sound. Our mental health matters. We need to have a good handle on our mental health so as to help give us a sense of stability amidst the daily chaos of life. These little nuggets of advice below are ways I think will help you (and myself as well) to put your mental health and individual happiness at the forefront of your life:
It is important to be mindful of what we consume daily. Be it food, watch we watch, what we listen to, etc. We are usually influenced by our environments and the people around us. So, if you find yourself doing things that go against your ethics or principles as an individual, it means that you are letting your surroundings dictate your actions. We all have a desire to belong and to fit in, but also try to think about what pushes that desire. Do you really have to buy that trendy and also very expensive shoe or bag that everyone else seems to have? Do you really need to know the latest gossip going around at your place of work? Instead of scrolling away on different social media platforms, what else can you do that would be beneficial to your mental well-being than spending tons of hours comparing yourself to strangers online? What kind of information are you absorbing daily (be it on the news, while listening to a podcast, magazine articles, etc.)? There is an abundance of false information out there in the world, and lots of things we don’t really need to know. I’m not saying go live your life in isolation and be ignorant about what is going on around you. But we must learn to filter out and discern between what is ultimately good for us and what is ultimately bad for us.
Friendship and community are necessary evils. Of course, we can’t be friends with everyone, as not everyone will always have the best intentions towards us. However, it is absolutely necessary to keep good and genuine people around you. We need each other, as we are social creatures who desire belonging and connection. Surround yourself with people who see the best in you. Don’t hang out with people who use your flaws and insecurities against you. Be a part of positive change and be open to joining volunteer groups in your town that are helping make the world a better and kinder place. Perform acts of service for those in need. Don’t turn a blind eye to partiality or injustice. Take care of those you love, because you’ll need them as you get older and as life gets lonelier. Be the kind of person people seek inspiration from and can aspire to. Being nice to others will make you feel good about yourself, as you’ll feel a sense of pride and satisfaction for pouring out goodwill into the world. Speak up for those who are marginalized and don’t have a voice in society. It’s very easy to think that our actions are insignificant and we are just observers in this passing thing called life. But, you never know whose life you could be changing or impacting by doing the right thing. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. So, you can only be a good friend to others if you are a good friend to yourself first.
My passion for art and creation has always been a great way for me to take care of my mental health. I love painting and writing even though I can be quite lazy about it sometimes. But, I love making things and learning how to curate media content. My passions and hobbies are what keep me going during difficult times. We all need an outlet for releasing our daily stresses in life. We all need something that puts the glimmer of hope back in our eyes. We all need something to believe in - something to motivate us to keep going and never give up. Whatever it is that you do to stay alive or be happy (be it writing stories, making videos, photography, making music, dancing, cooking, etc.), do it with all your heart and might. Even if other people call you crazy, do it anyway. All inventions began with one crazy idea. What is yours? Never be afraid to be a fool for something you love. If you love something, love it all the way (and that goes for people to). Stay motivated and inspired as you pursue your goals and dreams. As the famous filmmaker Billy Wilder once said, “You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning.” Keep finding reasons to live, no matter how big or small. Believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Don’t let naysayers get you down. If you can dream it, then you've got to believe it. If you can think it, you can do it.
Complaining will only make you sick. Looking for the bad in everything will only make you bitter. You are so much more than your painful experiences. You are so much more than your broken past. You are so much more than what other people have to say about you. We all have the potential to be so much more than all the things we have limited ourselves with. I remember a time when all I would ever do was complain about things that dissatisfied me, and then put the blame on others. But in any awful circumstance, and no matter who is at fault, we can only be accountable for ourselves and our actions. I struggle with feeling grateful towards anything in my life sometimes. Some days, I get so caught up in my trauma that I want to blame life or God for being cruel to me. But, then, I also think, “God has never been cruel. He’s only ever been God - The one who sees all and knows all. So He must know how all of this ends. He must be letting me go through this because He knows things will get better, and I will get stronger. He is preparing me for something greater than myself. He is getting me ready for a bigger battle, one He knows I’ll have the courage and power to win.” That’s how I chose to see it. These days, I am getting better at practicing being grateful and thankful for how far I’ve come in my journey. I’m learning that gratitude isn’t only a feeling of thankfulness for all that I have, but also for all the things I don’t have. Because everything isn’t meant for me, but what is meant for me will come to me in due time. Being grateful does not invalidate or simplify your complaints or dissatisfactions about life. All the different things that make us unhappy are an insight into our needs and desires. So, you can be grateful for all that you have, but it doesn’t mean that you still can’t have needs or things you want. There will always be something we want, and at some point, we will start to want more than what we have. But, if you can take a moment to slow down and look around you, you will find you have all that is necessary for you right now. Anything else that comes later is an added bonus to all you already have.
Fill your heart with love and goodwill. Give to those who have less than you. Love and happiness are to be shared with others. A smile plastered on your smile can make the dark clouds above someone else go away. Most times, we only ever think of ourselves, and certainly we have that right - to prioritize ourselves over everyone else, to protect our sanity and our peace of mind. But, I also think that another way of taking good care of ourselves is by taking good care of others and treating other people how we would like to be treated - with love and respect. It feels good to help others, to give love and be kind even when you don’t receive kindness. You might think, “What’s the point? People aren’t always kind.” Sure, the world is full of cruel and unkind people. But it is still filled with good people who do mean well. And if it turns out that good people are hard to find, you can be a good person to others instead. In this world full of hate, we must choose love. In this world full of cruelty, we must choose kindness. I think we would all sleep better knowing that we are a part of the goodness that still exists in the world. Be a sucker for beautiful things. Don’t let other people’s negative perspectives cloud your judgment. Stand up for yourself and your opinions. Don’t forsake yourself or silence your voice. As small and insignificant as you might think you are, you still matter. Let love and goodwill guide your actions. Care about people, and places, and things. Care about everything. Feel everything. But also, don’t forget to have fun and be happy.
Good mental health is the achievement of a sound mind and body gained by putting our happiness, emotional and psychological needs first above everything else. Good mental health does not occur overnight. It is a process, not a race. How you get there or when doesn’t matter. Good mental health is something we all deserve.
Thank you for making it this far. Thank you for being here. I’ll see you in the next story, friend.
Warmly, Grace.